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Why choose instead of thousands of other agencies for web development is a good question. Well, our team take a huge researching of those agencies and their clients. So our team came to this conclusion, most of the agencies: from start implements latest improvements, and in time we improve clients web applications with new proven technics!
These fundamentals must not be analyzed separately, and they pervade each other.
Developing digital strategy for every website is infinitely a process. It is not limited at the beginning of project. A web developing agency must follow trends and competition to enhance strategy, all time. Attract interested visitors and customers, and make returning of them, also improve SEO, must be a goal. Also, educating clients to follow new trends is crucial. But most web developing agencies finishes strategy development after putting website alive. always do a market and audience analysis, then implement it in digital strategy. Also, we educate clients how to improve sales, attendance and their business performance.
For most of the websites in the beginning, high security is not crucial. But in time, company can develop website for something more. It can be a web shop, or forum, and club. Then, the agency for web development must upgrade the web application to a more secure level. Security of the website makes big impact to SEO. But most agencies just leave low-level security CMS with some upgrades. Based on our experience, it leads to huge problems. in start serves corporate security CMS Drupal, so future issues are solved in the beginning. Also, we do regularly maintenance of CMS.
If a website is not optimized for search engines, potential visitors and customers will not reach client’s content and products. Perhaps, people will never know existence of that website. So web development agency needs to follow rules of SEO which often changes. Some agencies usually don't follow trends. After some time, clients websites are not on the top of SERP. That happens just because agencies didn’t implement new SEO guides provided by search engines like Google. Also, many technical principles can be not applied and hidden from client. team closely follows SEO rules and guides, and implement it all as soon as possible.
This is one very interesting fundamental, because it has huge impact to SEO. SEO experts could say: “Why makes difference between fast performance and SEO, when performance is just one part from technical pillow of SEO”. Yes it is correct, but that part of SEO is mostly ignored, and we want to make it fundamental. Google announced in 2018 that page speed has huge impact on search ranking. But all of these years, more than 90% percent of all websites either old or new web, did nothing to significantly improve speed of websites! Web development agencies has responsibility to improve website on every field. But most of them really fall on web speed performance. Even new web applications are mostly slow, because agencies use old and rejected frontend and backend systems. has best practices formulas to make really fast websites. Please test our website and all others on Google’s speed test tool.
Webpage design is not just visually attracting visitors and customers, it is much more. Good design must be responsive, automatically adjust to all displays. Also, design must be developed on new technical principles to have top performance, and great SEO. CMS templates have to be designed on high secure principles. That is because the connection between visitor and all website backend engines is frontend design. Mostly websites are still made on old and slow technical principles. Low secured CMS templates are hackable, and all that is responsibility of web developing agencies. uses modern technical principles for responsive and fast web application. Also, Drupal CMS is based on high secured twig design template system, which our team use.
All five first fundamentals will be nothing if we don’t educate our clients, how to use them. Our clients must be able to manage all content on their website on its own. So, we provide best learning system which is based on video tutorials. will make for every single client branded videos. With them, we will cover every single part of website and CMS, which refers to user's content management. But, it is not all, clients will get tutorials for digital strategy also. After that, all our clients will be completely ready to manage their website content and apply tactics from digital strategy.