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Website speed - why is crucial?

Updated: August 10, 2022 13:34

In real life, nobody likes to wait in line, or wait for a slow cashier. People have less and less patience and wants their solutions instantly. Some studies announced, visitors have same level of patience like 5-year-old child. Same problem encounters on the web and website speed is very important. So there are two crucial reasons, why we need fast websites:

  1. Visitors don’t like to wait.
  2. There is a great impact on SEO rankings.

In short, competition will be higher on SERP if their sites are faster. Visitors will leave the website because of impatience if some website is slow. In 2018. Google included website speed as an indispensable part of SEO ranking.

These companies made analysis of website speed and this is results:

  1. 1 second latency = -10% sales;
  2. 0.4 seconds latency = 0.21% fewer search,
    • 1-3 seconds = +32% bounce probability,
    • 1-5 seconds = +90% bounce probability,
    • 1-6 seconds = +106% bounce probability,
    • 10 seconds = +126% bounce probability;
  3. Mozilla 2.2 seconds less load time = 15.4% more conversions;
  4. Walmart 1 second less load time = 2% more conversions,
    • 0.1 second less load time = 1% more incremental revenue;
  5. Financial Times 1 second more load time = 4.6 % fewer views,
    • 3 seconds more load time = 7.9% fewer views;
  6. Mobify -0.5 seconds homepage load time = + $376,789 annual revenue,
    • 0.5 seconds checkout load time = + $526,147 annual revenue;
  7. Zitmaxx Wonen 100 in PageSpeed insights = 50% more mobile conversation,
    • reduced time to 3 seconds = 98.7 more mobile revenue;
  8. Furnspace 65% faster page download + 86% image payload reduction = 20% lower bounce rate,
    • 2X more purchase, 7% higher mobile revenue share;
  9. one of four visitors leave website after four seconds of waiting;

Slower website - less money

Ebay slow website

Real impact of slow websites is presented in one sentence, “slower website, less money or fewer visitors”.

Unfortunately, most web development agencies neglect this crucial SEO factor. Years after Google announce website speed as a ranking factor, websites are still slow.

PageSpeed insights takes care of our client’s finances and visitors, so we offer high-speed websites. Please take a look our website on Google page speed test. That tool, also called PageSpeed insights, is a universal testing tool in which Google ranks pages by speed. If result is above 90, the website will be better ranked on SERP.

We also encourage you to make speed tests on other webpages for comparison.

Website Speed

More on this webpage.

Why Page Speed Matters and How to Get Your Website to Load Faster! | Specbee