CDN performance
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performance and security

Updated: August 8, 2022 12:07

Content Distribution Network or CDN is a provider who stores client’s website data across the globe in cache format. So, CDN is designed to provide website's data geographically closer to visitor, in benefit of the website’s speed. For example, if the website is physically in America and the visitor is in Europe. That means, through CDN performance of the website is significantly boosted. Latency will be few milliseconds higher if there is no CDN provider. Besides, CDN gives many protections features like against DDoS attacks.

Content Delivery Network offers many improvements:

  • high speed performance;
  • better security;
  • reduced bandwidth consumption;
  • prevents failure of the website.

Most hosting companies provides their own Content Distribution Network.

When a website is on CDN performance is boosted

  • low latency;
  • geographically closer to visitor;
  • compressed data;

Initial server response time, or time from sending requests to responding to the same request, is latency. Low-latency is one of the crucial segments of website performance, and it mostly depends on hosting. Hosting packages with slow servers extends latency and reduces the speed of web application. It’s also called Time to first byte (TTFB). According to Google, latency must not be more than 0.2 seconds. In the beginning we said that servers are geographically closer to visitor, what boosts speed. But, most CDNs give one more benefit, compressed data. When data on cloud server is compressed, they consume less memory. So it must be much faster to deliver content.

Attackers do not attack directly

When a website is on CDN, attackers can’t attack directly, they must bypass CDN cache cloud to harm the page, and it is really hard. Instead of that, attackers can harm cached data on CDN cloud. And that is not risk because cached data are pulled from a real, healthy website on a hosted server.

DNSSEC for more security


DNS Security Extensions or DNSSEC is designed to protect DNS from malicious attackers. Originally, DNS was not designed to be secured. So DNSSEC is an indispensable part of every web application. DNS Security Extensions are prevention against DNS Tunneling, Man-in-the-middle attack and some Malwares. DNSSEC is part of package CDN and hosting providers.

CDN reduces bandwidth consumption and prevent website failure

When a website's content is cached on a Content Delivery Network, the hosting company delivers much fewer megabytes to visitors. That means, bandwidth consumption is lower. Also, high traffic to a website can slow down or even break it temporary. But with CDN that is mostly prevented, because Content Delivery Network takes over the huge amount of traffic.

Premium CDNs are: to his clients gives excellent hosting and provider with high CDN performance, equipped with DNS Security Extensions.