Hosting servers
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hosting types - which are
better and what to choose

Updated: September 6, 2022 16:53

Every web page must be physically stored on some server. That is called hosted data, and that webspace is called hosting. So that is some kind of data “tenancy” on someone else's server for our money. Companies which provide hosting services must own good servers for renting. Also, real fast internet connection, alternate power supply, backups of data, good security, … In this article, we will present most common web hosting types.

Good hosting is a crucial segment of secure and high speed performance.

There are few most common web hosting types, and we will analyze them from most demanding websites:

  • Managed Dedicated Server(s)

Managed Dedicated Server(s)

One server with it’s all resources exclusively for one website. But also a team of experts who configure servers to work with optimal performance, works exclusively for one website. The same team constantly analyzes a dedicated server to be sure is it working well. They're also warning clients for potential problems and errors. There can be more than one server or dozens connected to operate on one demanding website. This is the best choice of all web hosting types. Latency is really low on this type of hosting. prefers this type for our high demanding clients.


  • Dedicated server(s)

Dedicated Server(s)

One or more servers rented just for one client. But without a team of real human experts who work on enhancing it, like it is on Managed Dedicated Server(s). Hosting companies usually have some automatic systems for warnings. But there are no real human monitoring processes. Client needs to engage his own experts for configuring and examining server operations. It is low latency for hosting type, so prefers this type for our clients.



  • Cloud hosting

Cloud Web Hosting Types

Lot of servers working scalable together for one number of different websites. They use combined computing resources to operate in reliable performance. So, some servers can work on 100% and some can be dormant depending on on-demand types of resources in one period. Cloud hosting is a good choice for middle demanding projects. Its latency is little higher than dedicated server hosting type, so it is a bit slower website. We prefer this hosting type as minimum for our clients.


  •  Colocation


When a client owns a server and physically gives it to a hosting company. Then hosting company power it and connect it to high-speed internet, for using as hosting service is called colocation. This is a very rare type of hosting, it works like dedicated server but much more affordable if you exclude the costs of buying a server.




  • VPS hosting

VPS hosting

Virtual Private Server is a higher performance hosting type than beginner’s type Shared hosting, described below. So, VPS delivers a client one part of a server dedicated just for client's website, for example 10% resources. All other 90% resources are deployed to other clients and their websites. So, VPS hosting is “tenancy” on one server with guaranteed “square meters of housing” on one server. Latency is high.



  • Shared hosting

Shared hosting

The most affordable hosting type. It is adjusted to very small websites with low attendance and not so demanding web applications. In a shared hosting, a client gets a small part of one server’s resources and shares it with many other clients. Depending on website traffic demands, server resource is flexible. Latency is really high. But if the website constantly uses more server resource than agreed. Client will be warned to migrate to one of the higher web hosting types.

It can be some minor different types of hosting like managed shared and managed cloud hosting, but these six types are most usually. delivers to our clients just the first three hosting types:

  • Managed Dedicated Server(s);
  • Dedicated Server(s);
  • Cloud hosting;

Other types don’t meet our requirements, because we need high performance for our clients.