Frontend and Backend
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Frontend and Backend - what is difference?

Updated: August 3, 2022 07:49

Frontend and Backend are indispensable parts of every CMS. They depend on each other. Frontend is what visitors see and backend is what administrators see when they manage content. But when we talk about developing frontend and backend, it is much more. For example, car engine and steering wheel we can call backend, but body and seats are frontend.



A look of the website is frontend. That is visual design, part of a website seen by every visitor. It is also called presentation layer or theme and template. Frontend developers need to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a bit of backend programming language like PHP. Developer must have a good taste of design, and he must develop everything that the customer wants. And all of that is connected to the visual part of the website. Making a frontend is really challenging, because the developer must balance good design with SEO principles. Responsive and fast design are crucial SEO demands what developer must respect. So mostly engaging web designs are not so fast. Also, because the frontend is interaction between visitor and website, it must be well secured. UX and UI is something what require a huge attention when frontend is developed. for clients will make a fast, responsive, engaging frontend. And, because of that we use Drupal Twig theme system, the frontend we made is secure.

Good frontend template must:

  • has engaging design;
  • be mobile first;
  • has responsive design;
  • has good performance;
  • be secure;
  • be made on SEO principles.

Static website and theme or template

Only a frontend look of a webpage, with pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript, we called static website. Those websites don't have CMS, and it is difficult to make changes. So, the only purpose of making static websites is promotional presentations where it is overkill to configure CMS. But, there is one more purpose. Almost every frontend developer firstly make a static website to demonstrate it to the client. After that, web designer develop template from that static website. This is how the Drupal or WordPress theme is created. In Drupal, themes are treated like extensions as modules.



Backend is management of websites. The administration area of the website is backend, and it’s not seen by visitors. Backend is also called data access layer. Developing a backend is software constructing every part of website, that is not strictly connected to frontend design. For example, improving security of website, change settings, user access management, customization of content fields, … is a job for backend developer. He needs to have strong knowledge of some backend programming language such as PHP or Python, and also know HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Such a developer can make everything that the customer wants, what is not web design.

Frontend developer and backend design

Sometimes from frontend developers is required to design backend theme. In principle, it is the same job, like developing a frontend theme. But, in this case, web designer make look for administrators, the backend users.

Frontend and backend difference in short

Frontend is:

  • seen by visitors;
  • the look of the website;
  • made by HTML, CSS, JavaScript.


  • is only seen by administrators;
  • contains data, hidden from visitors;
  • is web application with all its processes;
  • is made by programming language like PHP, Python, node.js...