Open-source and proprietary software
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Open-source and proprietary software - difference

Updated: August 3, 2022 07:50

There are two types of software, based on owner's license, Open-source and proprietary software. Open-source is software which source code is open for everyone who wants to change it. So, you can use it and change it by yourself. Open-source software has no owner, and it is usually free for everybody. There is one more type of software and it is program made from scratch.

That is like you buy a car, but only a car factory can originally make modifications to your car. So, software is like a car and source code is like a car factory. In the case of proprietary software, clients only buy a “car” but not “car factory”. In the case of open-source software, clients buy a “car” and also buy a “car-factory”. Also, in same case, “car-factory” can be modified for constructing completely different cars.

But it doesn’t mean that web developers need to change all parts of Open-source software. For example, Drupal CMS has two crucial parts, core module and contributed modules. Contributed modules are always extendable and customizable. But core modules should never be hacked! Only few experts can make changes to core modules.

Source Code

Source code

Source code is the material from which all software programs are made. That code is written in some programming language.

Encrypted code

That is hidden code from users to prevent changing software. Encrypted software is fully functional, but users need to contact the owner of software for every modification. That way of protecting code is often in proprietary CMS.

Code separated from executable files

Similar to encrypted code, source code can be separated from executable files. That means, the user gets a fully functional application, but in that software is not source code, just executable files. Source code files are on owners computers. So, every customization of application can be done only by owner. That is another way of protecting code in proprietary software.

    Most popular proprietary CMSs are:

    Also, most of non-web software are also proprietary programs, like:

    Proprietary (commercial) software has source code, which is typically in the ownership of the company. So if you want to change something in software, you need to ask the owner for it. Proprietary software you can use by yourself, but you can't change it. In most cases, that software must be purchased.

    Open-source software

    Otherwise, to proprietary software Open-source is code open to everyone for change. So, everybody can follow instructions to extend code of Source-code programs.

    Down listed Open-source CMSs are made in PHP programming language.

    Most popular Open-source CMSs:

      Open-source and proprietary software in one

      Sometimes, one software can have both versions, Open-source and proprietary. For example, free version with limited features is Open-source and available for everybody. But pro version with all features must be purchased. This can be a good way for testing software by a larger community.

      When we talk about Open-source and proprietary software, always prefer Open-source Drupal CMS.