e-learning system
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system by eDot.pro

Updated: August 10, 2022 13:34

E-learning is the best education ever! Also called e-training or video tutorial education. eDot.pro client via e-learning system, gets branded video where is displayed process of content managing or applying digital tactics. For example, how to make a good SEO for written article. This is an example of video tutorial for simple creating content.

Drupal 8 Beginner, Lesson 30: Creating Content - YouTube

What science says about e-learning system

e-learning system

  • According to an article published in Psychology Today (Video vs. Text: The Brain Perspective). The human brain can process videos 60,000 times faster than it processes text!
  • A Cisco Study stated that in 2019, videos will drive 80% of the web traffic around the world.
  • Chief Learning Officer magazine points out that by 2020. 98% of the organizations have plans to include video-based learning in their training strategy.
  • 76% of people claim that they currently use video solutions at work (Polycom).
  • 96% of businesses say video help train employees better and faster (Kaltura).
  • 98% of organizations are predicted to use video as part of their digital learning strategy (AmbientInsight).
  • Statistics say that every individual is likely to remember only 10% of textual content, 65% of visual content, but 95% of audiovisual content! Hence, organizations should incorporate this mode of learning to train their employees effectively. It enhances self-learning and engages learners’ attention throughout the course. elearningindustry.com.

As you see, e-learning system is the best way of learning because you can see what instructor do, and you can hear him with details of completing the task. This is much better than reading articles, and it speeds up the learning process multiple times. Also, memorizing tasks is much better because in the same time you can hear and see tips.

eDot.pro will make dozens of short videos for every segment of content managing and digital strategies. Also, if client doesn’t understand something, we will make again videos for detailed explanation. If client require online help, we can do it by TeamViewer or some other software. In the same time, we will record a video to further client's understanding.

All videos will be branded, that means unique and specialized for every single client. All learning materials will be restricted to all, and only client-owner will have access to them.